An Inconvenient Truth (2006, Participant Productions, directed by Davis Guggenheim, featuring former-US Vice President Al Gore) is an engaging presentation of
- the evidence that human-induced climate change is already well underway,
- what causes it,
- what is consequences would be if climate change is allowed (by inaction) to continue accelerating, and
- what steps (many rather easy) are feasible for individuals, businesses and governments to take to slow it.
It sounds dry, but because of the fabulous footage from all over the world, animations, and the personal history that Gore recounts, showing how this topic came to seem to him as a major moral issue, this is a compelling and important experience. (The film includes scenes from some of the 1000 talks at Universities and to Civic Groups that Gore has given on this subject since being denied his bid for the Presidency in 2000).
A portion of the film proceeds are being donated to the Alliance for Climate Protection. Very very highly recommended.
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