Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina Hits New Orleans: Bush has some responsibility for loss of life, in two ways

We are all horrified to see the loss of life, and extensive property damage, in Louisiana, Mississipi and nearby states from Hurricaine Katrina.

What escapes me is why the media is not pointing out that Global Climate Change models have been predicting that the build up of "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere was certain to cause more frequent and more severe storms, and that President Bush has opposed any mandatory actions by US industry to reduce emissions.

At the same time, unfortunately, some people who could have been rescued will perish, because the National Guard has too many of their folks in Iraq. This point is documented in Norman Solomon's article The National Guard Belongs in New Orleans and Biloxi. Not Baghdad..

It is good that the American Red Cross, UJA-Federation and many others will be trying to get critical assistance to those people whose homes have been ruined or damaged. But rigid and foolish thinking in Washington DC means that there are far more such citizens than there might have been.

Katrina won't be the last severe storm. Will Washington, and the American people, wake up in time to prepare for, and maybe avert, future disasters?

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