Thursday, March 03, 2005

Film Worth Seeing - What the Bleep Do We Know?

How would you make a film about big topics: What is reality? What is consciousness? How is the mind and body connected? What powers do human's have that most of us are trained, because of the civilization we live in, to ignore? How does memory affect attention and perceiption?

You could have interviews with people (science commentators, philosophers, theologians) who are writing provocative books about these subjects. You could use computer animations to illustrate things (like neurons) at the scale that we normally do not see them. Or you could follow a week in the life of a typical anxiety-ridden American worker!

Or you could blend all three of these in a creative collage/narrative, which is what filmmakers William Arntz, Betsy Chasse and Mark Vincente did, and the result is one of the most unique films of recent years. There isn't a single focused point of view about the big question in these films, but there is a "field" in the set of views that goes "below the surface" of everyday person-to-person and person-to-world interaction. See or watch the trailer, (2 minutes 10 seconds) at

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