Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pete Seeger's 90th Birthday at Madison Square Garden Benefiting Clearwater (May 3, 2009)

PBS' Great Performance has a wonderful website with videos giving the flavor of the Fabulous event held in New York's Madison Square Garden in honor of Peter Seeger's 90th birthday and his contributions to social justice, the environment and folk music.

The 2-disc DVD recording of the concert is available for purchase here.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Photographing World Leaders in 1 minute sitting at the UN: Platon (for The New Yorker)

You can listen to or download a 10-minute interview of The New Yorker's staff photographer Platon, as he talks about spending 5 days without a break taking 60-second portrait photos of world leaders just before or after their addresses to the UN General Assembly.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Anna Daevere Smith's Let Me Down Easy in New York City is pretty timely, now that the US Congress is trying to address health care.

Lauretta Jones (Artist, Nature Lover)

The website of my friend Lauretta Jones, is, not surprising, one of the most attractive ones I've seen, and gives you a good flavor of her work teaching, exhibiting, and preserving plants and natural spaces.

Young People Need Progress on Climate Protection - Photos

Photos of Young People whose safety is at risk if human-accelerated Climate Change is not slowed.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

MIT's Bicycle Wheel Announced in Copenhagen

Copenhagen Wheel for bicycles, designed at MIT's SENSEable City Lab, was premiered in Copenhagen Denmark on December 15th. I think you'll like the video at the bottom of MIT's Press Release.

The Analytic Mode by David Brooks (NY Times, 2009 Dec 03)

David Brooks' column about President Obama, titled The Analytic Mode, is a sober assessment of why decision-making in the White House is pretty far removed from the visionary rhetoric of the 2008 Presidential Campaign.

YouTube: The Web is Us/ing Us by Michael Wesch

The Web is Us/ing Us by Michael Wesch is a 4-minute and 31 second statement about the cultural transformation which has just started as a result of Web 2.0 .

Bob Herbert: In Search of Education Leaders (NY Times, 2009 Dec 5)

In Search of Education Leaders, Bob Herbert's column in the New York Times, is well worth a read.

Daily Video Program: MOSAIC from LinkTV

MOSAIC: World News from the Middle East provides, 5 days per week, 30 minutes of translated television news from Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Arab nations, and the Arabic Services of the BBC and of Russia. This is an absolutely wonderful service.

Also from the same producers, is the less regular but very high-quality program Earth Focus.