Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's a landfill - and an ecopark (Christian Science Monitor covers Singapore)

In the May 31, 2009 issue of the Christian Science Monitor, correspondent Vijaysree Venkataram visits Pulau Semakau and reports It's a landfill -- and an ecopark.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Documentary: LIFE. SUPPORT. MUSIC. (Merigold Moving Pictures 2008; dir by Eric Daniel Metzgar)

LIFE. SUPPORT. MUSIC. is a magnificent documentary of 2 years in the life of Jason Crigler, a humble person in his early 30s, but also one of New York's most sought-after guitarists, who suffered what the medical profession thought would be a devastating brain hemorrhage but who instead gradually recovered a great deal of his function, in large part because of the extraordinary attention and support his wife, parents, sister, and in-laws gave him, at the same time as his daughter was being born.

The story is compelling, the filmmaking brilliant, the family members articulate and honest... This is love and determination in action. I very highly recommend this extraordinary film.